I spent the majority of today brain-dead, nauseous, starving, and greasy.
What's the special occasion? Why the delivery of baby Mason of course!
That is, baby Mason Blueberrie Carlito Do.
It all began on the night of my birthday. Around 12 O'clock midnight, I got a call from Mylinh and John who were at the hospital getting checked out because she hadn't felt the baby move for a while. Everything was calm and dandy, they just wanted to talk to me cause they were bored. A half hour later we were saying our goodbyes and I soon headed to bed.
For some reason I couldn't sleep so well though. I didn't fall asleep until around 2:30, it was as if I knew important things were going on with my brain-connected capricorn other half. When I did finally get to sleep I woke up again at 3:30, and finally at 4:30 I was woken again but this time by a phone call. Well actually 6. Yes, it takes 6 phone calls to get me out of bed.
I had a message from John saying "code purple" which is our secret code that I'm sure you'll never decode and understand. And as much as I would have liked to get more sleep, my adrenaline was pumping and there was no way I could calm down. I picked out some clothes, brushed my teeth, tried my best to fix the greasy mess on my head, and I was off!
First I had to pick up the Do Brothers. One of which was cool as a cucumber, but the other was practically hysterical. As we raced down the empty roads to the hospital, Davic spouted out things like "omg it's happening!!" in between the nervous small talk that he tried to make.
Once at the hospital it felt like a maze trying to find Mylinh. Why do they make all the doors the same? Lets change the colors up or something! But eventually we found our sister, and even though she was indeed in labor, it was still fairy early and she was able to communicate normally.
It all started to change when her water broke. At first she wasn't sure and said "Oh...I think somethings leaking, maybe my water broke." But within a matter of seconds that changed from "yup I think my water broke." to "Oh! I really think my water broke!" and finally to "OMG MY WATER DEFINITELY BROKE! I'm leaking I'm leaking! Get the nurse!"
After that was the contractions. As first they weren't so bad. She was able to communicate still, and the worst that happened was her squeezing my hand until my skin had an imprint, kind of like when you squeeze a ball of silly putty. But as the contractions went on, the pain got worse, it became harder for her to communicate clearly, and things got louder and louder. Just when I'd think she was at her worse and couldn't get any louder or be in any more pain, WRONG. More pain and screaming!
The whole ordeal was stressful, exciting, touching, and exhausting all at the same time. For about 6 hours (?) the 5 of us supporters played musical chairs every time she needed to be checked or revealed in some way. There were even tears as we listened to our loved one scream in anguish. Although, Randee somehow managed to sleep through most of the screaming...
At one point, John and I were even yelled at to go away. So we sat behind the curtain and listened to the madness. Eventually we heard Dr.Sweet saying "I can see the head! It's got a lot of hair!" and we couldn't stand it anymore, we huddled over to the side and peaked out from behind the curtain. It wasn't long before my jaw dropped as I saw a real live baby boy being pulled away from my beloved friend's nether-regions. It was so surreal. At this point we didn't care, and John and I escaped from our curtainy prison to greet our baby.
He was hungry, he was swollen and he was adorable. My absolute favorite moment of the whole day was when he was placed on Mylinh's chest for the first time, and all the chaos just stopped. In that one instant, MyLinh's pain and seemed to disappear and the baby's crying stopped almost instantly as her familiar voice comforted him. It was adorable and it was beautiful, and if I didn't have icicles growing from my heart I probably would have cried.
After this, I needed to go home and try to get some sleep, and as I left the dark room, which had a sleepy nighttime feel, I realized it was afternoon. This confused my poor body and lead to a feeling that I imagine is similar to jet lag, only without ever getting on a plane.
Even now hours later this whole experience has been surreal. And as for right now, theres two things I absolutely can not wait for.
1. To sleep for 8 to 10 hours tonight. Heck maybe even more.
2. To go back for the 3rd time tomorrow to visit Mason.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas....eve!
This year there have been many obstacles trying to keep me from having a good christmas. Being so busy most of the month that I didn't have much time to enjoy the christmas season, being an adult now so it's just not as exciting, getting sick as usual right before christmas, (aka right now) The kids channels showing less and less of the christmas specials I love, having to figure out gifts for people when you have no idea what to get them.
But I don't care, none of this can stop me! I'm going to enjoy my favorite holiday like I always manage to do. Even last year when I was getting over a flu! So today on christmas eve, I'm going to celebrate by delivering cookies, hanging out with my other family, and eating a small christmas feast.
My present to you, dear reader (AKA Sarah, or someone that I specifically tell to read this) is this lovely picture. Enjoy.
But I don't care, none of this can stop me! I'm going to enjoy my favorite holiday like I always manage to do. Even last year when I was getting over a flu! So today on christmas eve, I'm going to celebrate by delivering cookies, hanging out with my other family, and eating a small christmas feast.
My present to you, dear reader (AKA Sarah, or someone that I specifically tell to read this) is this lovely picture. Enjoy.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Video Project.
No one is really updating their blogs, except "Marie" who has a new fascination with this Jeffrey character. So I will, again, I guess.
As of today, the fall quarter is completely done and over with. My final test has been aced, my make up conversational quiz is made up, and the torture of my final project is through. What was my final project? A video that could be about anything, as long as it was in Japanese, included a brief mention of Japanese culture somehow, and included singing.
Finding time to film was extremely difficult, with Sarah and I working all afternoon, Kristine having classes during our free time, and me not being willing to wake up earlier than I have to. So we filmed the entire project in 2 separate days. And after a few nights of editing by moi, the masterpiece of Koi no Aji was born.
The basic storyline was about two tweenage girls who were in love with the same boy. I played Spicy-chan, the "sassier" of the two girls, though that didn't come through in my acting since I couldn't stop smiling and giggling. LaPeta played Salty-chan, who is maybe a little nicer. Kristine was Bland, the boy we love who is oblivious to everything and pretty dang stupid.
After being kicked out of a building by a lady carrying a tray of babies, while wearing a bow on my head, editing the entire movie by myself, recording the two songs and editing them, pretty much writing the script, and worst of all, having to show this mortifying film to our entire class, we're completely done and hopefully wont have another video project. And it was all worth it you know why? I got a reward!
For all my hard work, I received a scented pink "fruit parfait time" eraser! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellz yeh!
As of today, the fall quarter is completely done and over with. My final test has been aced, my make up conversational quiz is made up, and the torture of my final project is through. What was my final project? A video that could be about anything, as long as it was in Japanese, included a brief mention of Japanese culture somehow, and included singing.
Finding time to film was extremely difficult, with Sarah and I working all afternoon, Kristine having classes during our free time, and me not being willing to wake up earlier than I have to. So we filmed the entire project in 2 separate days. And after a few nights of editing by moi, the masterpiece of Koi no Aji was born.
The basic storyline was about two tweenage girls who were in love with the same boy. I played Spicy-chan, the "sassier" of the two girls, though that didn't come through in my acting since I couldn't stop smiling and giggling. LaPeta played Salty-chan, who is maybe a little nicer. Kristine was Bland, the boy we love who is oblivious to everything and pretty dang stupid.
After being kicked out of a building by a lady carrying a tray of babies, while wearing a bow on my head, editing the entire movie by myself, recording the two songs and editing them, pretty much writing the script, and worst of all, having to show this mortifying film to our entire class, we're completely done and hopefully wont have another video project. And it was all worth it you know why? I got a reward!
For all my hard work, I received a scented pink "fruit parfait time" eraser! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellz yeh!
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