It's that time of year again! The time of year that I simultaneously love and hate! The leaves are turning colors, the weather is getting cold, and the halloween decorations are out.
Yesterday was a particularly fallish day, and on our way to Fred Meyer I started to feel all nostalgic. The feeling of the cold weather, seeing the leaves falling off the trees, the over-comercialized halloween ads. Separately these things all make me angry....but somehow as a whole they bring back memories, and make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Going to the pumpkin patch each year, drinking apple cider, trying to think of creative costumes, trick-or-treating with my cousins, being too much of a wuss to go anywhere actually scary. All great memories. :]
Immediately I wanted to start making plans for this year. I need to make sure my newer friends can experience Hunter's pumpkin patch, I need to make seasonal treasts, I need to think of plans for halloween itself, so much to dooo!
Now I'll take this time to revisit the past few years of halloween......With pictures! (oooooh~)
2007: I had probably known Sarah Lapeta for about a month, and since she had no plans I decided to invite her go trick-or-treating with my friends. We met at my house and went trick-or-treating in Goldcrest. Highlights include my friends asking for a glass of water at a stranger's door, sitting in the middle of the street when tired, and being hyper highschoolers. My costume that year was the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland! Complete with functioning antique pocket watch.

2008: Instead of meeting at my house as my friends had been doing since about 8th grade, I decided to go with my more newly made friends and trick-or-treat in Cedrona. The highlighted memories included funny Filipino mom's with pervy costumes, me clinging to Sarah in a haunted house despite the fact that she's a foot shorter than me and a girl, a little boy that was ever-so-innocently opening doors to people's houses, and seeing Rocky Horror for the very first time. My costume, curtesy of goodwill, was an 80's power-walker.

Would've made more sense with short-shorts...but that aint happening, speically in our fall weather.
2009: Last year we returned to the tradition of meeting at my house. Except instead of the usual group, there were only 3 of us. I found the number of other kids trick-or-treating disappointingly low this year... :[ But like the year before, we watched Rocky Horror Picture Show, and decided it should be our Halloween tradition. Our costumes had a group theme, and boy were they a hit! Say hello the the awkward family christmas portrait!

Lapeta looks especially sexy here~
This year I don't think I want to trick-or-treat. (WHAT?? crazy! Never thought that'd happen EVER!) But the question is....should I try to make a costume even if I just stay home and watch a movie? Or maybe we'll find something else to do. But nothing scary....cause I am a complete wuss after all. :D