I’ve had to live with some horrible neighbors. Like really horrible. We’re talking criminals and creepers. And maybe the newest set of college boys aren’t the worst people who have lived here, but they sure are annoying! Didn’t their mothers teach them to be considerate of other people?
I mean we’re living in a place where we share walls. THIN walls. I don’t understand how people can be so care free and do whatever they please. Oh your roommates are gone? Guess that means you can play your music as LOUD as you want! Oh you like playing your drum? Why don’t you sit outside shirtless and play repetitive beats for half an hour. Oh there’s no physical divider in between our “yards”? Well then come right on over, our space is your space neighbor!
I guess I should just be thankful they don’t usually make noise at night like past neighbors have. But still I gotta complain a little!
Speaking of neighbors, I sure hope when I move into my own apartment I have good quiet ones. Oh because did I mention? I’ve been looking into that lately. It’s both exciting and terrifying. In fact I’ll be looking at a place on Wednesday. :O