I've already completed my first quarter in school. The ride has been a liiiittle crazy, and has made me busier than I’ve ever been in my life! But then again that’s not saying much...
I’ve had to do more projects in these past weeks than in months at regular school. But that’s definitely not a complaint, Projects are so much better than monotonous essays and homework.
I'm about to start my second quarter in a few days, and I thought I'd share some of my projects from the last one. My skills aren't the most impressive quite yet, but hey we all have to start somewhere.
In color theory, we painted swatches like these. Nothing too exciting here. |
This is a design created entirely from type. We were required to use an ampersand because they're "beautiful." |
This is what we did in typography most of the time, traced letters. Can you see my mistake circled in red? |
One of my funnest projects! We could create a sign for anything we wanted.
Halloween! Pretty simple except for the outlines I made in photoshop. |
We had to use the golden mean, which was confusing as heck! I still like my concept for this one, but I really dislike how it turned out. Outfit of the young adult girl inspired by SNSD's Jessica HA!
"Tools of a wedding" phew this one was hard work. And the groom kinda looks like a girl haha. |
Tiki mask! It was fun to have a more simple project after so much craziness. |
I put so much into this one. I'm super pleased with how it turned out except for the face, I need practice drawing more realistically.
That's it for the projects worth looking at. You can click any to see them full sized. Even though my skills aren't where I hope they'll be, I'm still proud of a lot of these! :) I'm sure they'll be fun to look back on some day. |