Monday, February 20, 2012

Burnt Marshmallow Brain

I've been so busy lately. Well, life has been busy ever since I started school, but the last few weeks have been especially extra super busy!!!!

From eight hours on math homework, to the endless pile of english papers. Let alone the day that I spent ten hours working on my calendar design nonstop. My most recent horror story involves a research paper with very specific source qualifications. No general internet sources, no magazine derived articles, and no newspaper articles. Only books or scholarly journals. -_-

After several hours of yelling at my computer screen and 3 topic changes, I still had nothing. In the end I wrote a horrible, piece of crap paper just so I could turn in something this morning. Something is better than nothing, right?

This is my self portrait; Monday edition. I stumbled around all day in a haze, just wishing I was home. On the bright side, the hardest day of my week is over!