Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Rant About Tourists.

So it's been a while since I've talked about "new city experiences." Partially cause it's been a while since I talked about anything, but mostly because I feel acclimated to the city now. Crazy to think it's been almost a year since I moved here to Seattle. But this isn't a discussion of my adjustment to the city of my dreams, it's a rant about an opinion of mine that has changed since living here.

My whole life I never understood why tourists got a bad rep. People acted as if they were the scum of the earth more or less depending on the specific city or area.

I thought "What's the big deal? They're just trying to have a harmless good time."

But it's summer now and as I try to speed-walk my way through Pike Place Market to get to class I find myself growing more hateful of tourists each day. They walk at a snail's pace as they window shop. Sometimes they stop right in the middle of a busy sidewalk to figure out where they are. In the recent months the sidewalks in that area get so busy that the foot-traffic spills over into the actual street on a regular basis. (I feel bad for the people trying to drive through there...)

There have been days where I would have normally been right on time but ended up late because of the extra people. I know it's a fun area and I should be more understanding, but I'm just trying to get to class on time!

That is all!  >:/

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Glitter painting

Sometimes I attempt to paint. With glitter watercolors. Yeah you read me, glitter.

So while I was sitting here at 12:45 am drooling over cupcakes and ice cream online, I suddenly thought "Hey, remember that blog I have somewhere on the internet? I should post something there. Something, anything, just do it!

So here, take a gander at two of my little paint doodles.