So recently I was invited over to the Viet family's place, and Mylinh wanted to make cupcakes from her special cupcake book again. As usual we flipped through the book looking at design after design but realized most of them are too complicated for our lazy selves. But we ended up deciding on a cute but fairly simple owl design.
And when it was time for John to try, he made...a rather special owl....
It's okay special owl, I still love you!
Oh and I never blogged about it before, but a while back my fish had babies! I didn't know you had to do anything special for them, but apparently they need a net thing so there was this whole adventure of buying the stuff and catching all the little fishies, and it was all very exciting, but I was a loser and never blogged it like I said I would.
HOWEVER, a few days ago that holelie fish had MORE babies, even more than before. This time I took a picture:
You can't tell from this picture but they were TINY. They grow really fast thought and are already bigger.
Now I just need to get their daddy to pay child support. :P