Oops I forgot to update the day after my Art institute appointment thing. Imagine that....
So what happened was, we followed mapquest's (wrong) directions and were late. What a great start huh? ;)
I got a private tour of the school, because I'm so super special, and got to see a few classes as they were happening. I ended up getting an admissions advisor person that's pretty awesome. He's taking classes himself so he was able to give my first-hand advise and was very very honest with me. Which was good cause I was expecting some crusty old white guy try to completely sell me on the school regardless of the realistic costs. We talked in his office for a while and I had to fill out some paperwork, and at this point I was getting kind of hungry but oh well it'd be over right? wrooong.
Next I had to sit at a computer, read a 20 minute long thing about loans, sign a MPN, and then read some other thing. At this point I was starving. In fact now that I think about it I hadn't eaten since about 12 and it was now approaching 4:00.
When I FINALLY finished the super boringtastic computer loan things that I have now completely forgotten any knowledge
from, we still had to meet with my financial advisor....
By the time we got to go in and see her. I was really tired, and really hungry, and basically felt like I was going to pass out. It's kind of hard to listen to a lady talk about loans and expenses and grants when you feel like you're going to pass out. But I somehow survived it until the end and got something to eat.
Despite my practically dying, and all the expensiveness, I left with a positive feeling. At this point I would say I'm about 99% sure that I want to go there. and the other 1% of unsureness is probably just my normal worry-wort self thinking about all the negative things that could (BUT WONT) happen.
I would try to be more interesting, but I gotta get back to studying kanji...I'm kinda gonna miss cramming for kanji tests!