It's really horrible how extremely happy I am about it. But I can't help it, things are so much better without them.
On the other hand, we have a special little extra group called homework club that joins us 3 times a week. Some of these kids are surprisingly well behaved. But others are a handful. And while the number was nice and small at first, they've been adding more and more kids to their group as the weeks go on.
Yesterday we had the most kids we've ever had EVER at once. 37 kids total, which is illegal for 2 staff people. Just thinking about that day gives me a headache... There were game pieces flying everywhere, kids running around screaming no matter how many times we told them "walking feet and inside voices!" It was truly a madhouse. In fact, we ran out of snack because there were so many of them.
The days without Homework club have been a dream lately. But the days with have been more...well like yesterday.
I've made illustrations to show the contrast between Ycare with and without homework club.

(The tree is purple CAUSE I SAID SO.
Not the point. )
Other things I've been doing lately include my favorite game, Photoshop extreme makeover! :D
Unfortunately I can never EVER post any of those images on the internets to show off my skill. If I did, I would look like a really mean superficial person. but I'm not, I promise! I mostly change things about people just to see if I'm capable of it, and for practice. The only person I shamefully photoshop to look "better" is myself.