Wednesday This day was a snow day! Yaaaaaaay!! So for the first part of the day, I just layed around in my pajamas being thankful that I didn't have to work that day. Everyone who has gone away to college was coming back for thanksgiving, and I knew Marie was back cause she already had asked for my laptop charger the night before. I expected her to get said charger and bring it back in a few hours, but what ended up happening was me getting a Marie-style voicemail, just like the good ol' days, telling me that she WAS coming over. Not asking if she could. Oh and she threw in something about being invited to their thanksgiving dinner that night since her mom had to work.
A few hours later she shows up with some mystery guy, who was not mentioned in the phone call. This turned out to be Josh who you probably have heard of from Marie's blog. He's pretty neat, and his hobbies include taking pictures with the newer version of my camera, being from Hawaii, terrorizing Marie's facebook and phone, eating a lot, and sleeping a lot.
At first I didn't want to go to dinner because I somehow convinced myself that I was going to use that night for my video project. But then I realized I was probably going to procrastinate and not do it anyway! So it was off to Marie's.
The dinner ended up being really good. Not to mention probably the fanciest holiday dinner I've probably ever had. We sat at an actual TABLE. Like without a TV or anything. We had real glass dishes and wine glasses, there were cloth napkins that matched the tablecloth, we said grace before digging in, and christmas music was playing in the background!
Marie's sister and her boyfriend brought the PS3 so I got to see some legit katamari action! Overall it was a really good start to my eating marathon. I wish I had some pictures to show you. I think the only one we took was an awkward photo at the dinner table with Josh's keep an eye out for that I guess...
Thursday, Real Actual Thanksgiving. Today was the day I was planning for. Mylinh and John were coming over to experience Thanksgiving with my family. Yes, my Shelton family....I know, crazy right?
When they arrived, I took the opportunity to force a pregnant woman out into the cold snow without a jacket, so she could smile and try to not look freezing cold while I snapped some senior photos.
After that we were off to Shelton to my Aunntie's house. It was a little weird to have my two worlds collide. I've never really mixed my family with my friends before. It felt like one of those crossover cartoons from the 80's or whatever. It was awkward when people looked like they wanted an introduction, but I didn't know who they were, so I couldn't really give one.
I brought my camera so I could "take pictures of my family" which basically ended up meaning me taking a bajillion photos of the cutest baby ever. Oh Shaylee, how you be so cute?
Shaylee was so cute, in fact, that she made John go from this:
to this:
Then there was lots of eating
And lots of cousins
Overall it was a good thanksgiving, though it seemed to go by so fast.
Friday, 3rd and Final Thanksgiving LaJohnda had to work, and Mylinh wasn't scared away by my family the previous day, so it was off to Uncle Danny's with her. Some of my actual family was there, and they're fine and met Mylinh the day before. But my aunt's family was also there that day. And to put it bluntly, they're freaking weird. In fact a lot of them are downright creepy.
The first thing that happens when we got there, was Samantha coming out and fussing over Mylinh just because she was pregnant. Not even normal fussing like "oh I love babies, you're so lucky blah blah blah" no, like creepy fussing. Without being introduced she came over and started touching her belly! And for the rest of the night she kept saying how cute MyLinh was, after anything she said. Just for example, say Mylinh was talking about lightbulbs and said "oh that lightbulb needs to be changed" or something, Sam would probably respond with "Hahaha lightbulb! you're so cute!" it got old fast.
Her older brother is super creepy, and had been drinking which made it worse. While we were playing boardgames he came over to stand in the doorway, stares at Mylinh for a few minutes, then asks " old are you?" when she was obviously creeped the eff out and walked away, he proceeded to stare at me for a few seconds then ask "is that kid yours?"
But enough about the horrible creepy moments. The foods was again good, and there was so much stuffing I thought I was in heaven. Although the desert sucked.
Mylinh seemed to make a connection with my uncle who was bugging her about letting him marry her, and trying to convince her to name the baby after him. But these are good things, because if he's BSing you, then he likes you.
My cousin Erica had her boyfriend over, and while playing candyland with him, he somehow recognized Mylinh and remembered that he went to elementary school with her brother for a short time.
We ended the night by relaxing at my grandmas, while I kicked butt at gardening mama!!
If you ignore the super creeper status members of my Aunt's family, it was another great Thanksgiving.
So with 3 being my new record of dinners this year, I wonder if I can break that next year? Though I'm not sure I'd want to. But I hope everyone else is having an equally awesome Thanksgiving break. Marie you best be blogging about Wednesday from your point of view. And Josh, if you read this, I hope you make a blog about Marie's bloggings. To Mylinh and John, I hope my family didn't scare you too bad, and I hope you enjoyed our dinner(s).