I'm going to be super materialistic and blog about all the PRESENTS I want for christmas! HAHAHA! :D I suspect this will get less and less realistic as the list goes on...
1. Fujifilm instax mini S7 or mini 25.

I've gotten a camera for the last few years in a row, so why not stick with the tradition? This was one of those things where I never knew I wanted one, but once I saw this sappy korean commercial, I knew I NEEDED one! :O
SEE? Doesn't that make you want one?? Who cares how unrealistic it is!
2. External Harddrive
Need space for my STUFF. What more can I say? Kind of boring and practical, but I needs it to save space on the computer.
3. New printer
The printer I have now, SUCKS. It can barely print out word documents successfully, let alone photos. THIS is why you don't just buy the cheapest printer possible, mom!
4. Anything from photojojo.com
Yeah yeah more photography stuff, you're bored with it by now, I get it. But I love this camera strap!
5. An R4 card for my DSi
Perfect for illegally downloading games....I mean...."storing files" on my DS.
6. Vacation to Disneyland.
MY favorite place...I'm having withdrawals... *twitch*
7. Hello Kitty Waffle Iron.
Not entirely sure why I want this. But I do. I don't even like waffles THAT much...it would probably just sit in the cupboards until my mom gave it away to charity or something. But it still for some reason want this!
8. An iPhone 5
Yeah, it doesn't exist yet. But I kinda want a new phone and the current iphone 4 has ISSUES.
9. Auxiliary connectymajorb for Betsy.
Casue CD's get old and I wish I could just play my ipod. :<
10. My class(es) completely magically payed for. forever.
Can this please happen D:
11. To not be sick this christmas
Oh lord I need for this to happen. Last year I was sick for pretty much the whole month of December.
12. A fancy condo right in the middle of downtown Seattle. For my future of course, not ready to move quite yet.
Well there ya go, one thing for each of the 12 days of christmas! If you wanna buy me any of those things, feel free. I might make you cookies or something in return. MAYBE.