Monday, May 9, 2011


Oh hi Sarah loyal blog-reading friends. Hows life? Good? Grood.

My life has been nothing special. I spent some random frivolous money, I had 14(ish) babies, successfully made cupcakes that are supposed to be the most difficult thing ever, weaseled my way out of family events, discovered this strange shiny warm thing in the sky, won 15 dollars in a blind-folded sushi contest, and hand-created 3 of the best cards you've ever seen.

One thing I suppose I should mention is that I applied to the Art Institute. The direction of this blog might actually change towards the direction of everyone else's. Okay let me rephrase that, this blog might actually change towards the direction that everyone's is supposed to be in if they ever actually updated their's. :P

Tomorrow I get to "be sick" and stay home from work. And by that I mean go to Seattle and have an interview at the college and check it out and see if it's worth being in thousands of dollars of debt over. Though I have to say the idea of being a "grown up" out on my own sure seems scary.

Okay here's an unrelated pitchur since all good blog entries have photos!