I spent the majority of today brain-dead, nauseous, starving, and greasy.
What's the special occasion? Why the delivery of baby Mason of course!
That is, baby Mason Blueberrie Carlito Do.
It all began on the night of my birthday. Around 12 O'clock midnight, I got a call from Mylinh and John who were at the hospital getting checked out because she hadn't felt the baby move for a while. Everything was calm and dandy, they just wanted to talk to me cause they were bored. A half hour later we were saying our goodbyes and I soon headed to bed.
For some reason I couldn't sleep so well though. I didn't fall asleep until around 2:30, it was as if I knew important things were going on with my brain-connected capricorn other half. When I did finally get to sleep I woke up again at 3:30, and finally at 4:30 I was woken again but this time by a phone call. Well actually 6. Yes, it takes 6 phone calls to get me out of bed.
I had a message from John saying "code purple" which is our secret code that I'm sure you'll never decode and understand. And as much as I would have liked to get more sleep, my adrenaline was pumping and there was no way I could calm down. I picked out some clothes, brushed my teeth, tried my best to fix the greasy mess on my head, and I was off!
First I had to pick up the Do Brothers. One of which was cool as a cucumber, but the other was practically hysterical. As we raced down the empty roads to the hospital, Davic spouted out things like "omg it's happening!!" in between the nervous small talk that he tried to make.
Once at the hospital it felt like a maze trying to find Mylinh. Why do they make all the doors the same? Lets change the colors up or something! But eventually we found our sister, and even though she was indeed in labor, it was still fairy early and she was able to communicate normally.
It all started to change when her water broke. At first she wasn't sure and said "Oh...I think somethings leaking, maybe my water broke." But within a matter of seconds that changed from "yup I think my water broke." to "Oh! I really think my water broke!" and finally to "OMG MY WATER DEFINITELY BROKE! I'm leaking I'm leaking! Get the nurse!"
After that was the contractions. As first they weren't so bad. She was able to communicate still, and the worst that happened was her squeezing my hand until my skin had an imprint, kind of like when you squeeze a ball of silly putty. But as the contractions went on, the pain got worse, it became harder for her to communicate clearly, and things got louder and louder. Just when I'd think she was at her worse and couldn't get any louder or be in any more pain, WRONG. More pain and screaming!
The whole ordeal was stressful, exciting, touching, and exhausting all at the same time. For about 6 hours (?) the 5 of us supporters played musical chairs every time she needed to be checked or revealed in some way. There were even tears as we listened to our loved one scream in anguish. Although, Randee somehow managed to sleep through most of the screaming...
At one point, John and I were even yelled at to go away. So we sat behind the curtain and listened to the madness. Eventually we heard Dr.Sweet saying "I can see the head! It's got a lot of hair!" and we couldn't stand it anymore, we huddled over to the side and peaked out from behind the curtain. It wasn't long before my jaw dropped as I saw a real live baby boy being pulled away from my beloved friend's nether-regions. It was so surreal. At this point we didn't care, and John and I escaped from our curtainy prison to greet our baby.
He was hungry, he was swollen and he was adorable. My absolute favorite moment of the whole day was when he was placed on Mylinh's chest for the first time, and all the chaos just stopped. In that one instant, MyLinh's pain and seemed to disappear and the baby's crying stopped almost instantly as her familiar voice comforted him. It was adorable and it was beautiful, and if I didn't have icicles growing from my heart I probably would have cried.
After this, I needed to go home and try to get some sleep, and as I left the dark room, which had a sleepy nighttime feel, I realized it was afternoon. This confused my poor body and lead to a feeling that I imagine is similar to jet lag, only without ever getting on a plane.
Even now hours later this whole experience has been surreal. And as for right now, theres two things I absolutely can not wait for.
1. To sleep for 8 to 10 hours tonight. Heck maybe even more.
2. To go back for the 3rd time tomorrow to visit Mason.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas....eve!
This year there have been many obstacles trying to keep me from having a good christmas. Being so busy most of the month that I didn't have much time to enjoy the christmas season, being an adult now so it's just not as exciting, getting sick as usual right before christmas, (aka right now) The kids channels showing less and less of the christmas specials I love, having to figure out gifts for people when you have no idea what to get them.
But I don't care, none of this can stop me! I'm going to enjoy my favorite holiday like I always manage to do. Even last year when I was getting over a flu! So today on christmas eve, I'm going to celebrate by delivering cookies, hanging out with my other family, and eating a small christmas feast.
My present to you, dear reader (AKA Sarah, or someone that I specifically tell to read this) is this lovely picture. Enjoy.
But I don't care, none of this can stop me! I'm going to enjoy my favorite holiday like I always manage to do. Even last year when I was getting over a flu! So today on christmas eve, I'm going to celebrate by delivering cookies, hanging out with my other family, and eating a small christmas feast.
My present to you, dear reader (AKA Sarah, or someone that I specifically tell to read this) is this lovely picture. Enjoy.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Video Project.
No one is really updating their blogs, except "Marie" who has a new fascination with this Jeffrey character. So I will, again, I guess.
As of today, the fall quarter is completely done and over with. My final test has been aced, my make up conversational quiz is made up, and the torture of my final project is through. What was my final project? A video that could be about anything, as long as it was in Japanese, included a brief mention of Japanese culture somehow, and included singing.
Finding time to film was extremely difficult, with Sarah and I working all afternoon, Kristine having classes during our free time, and me not being willing to wake up earlier than I have to. So we filmed the entire project in 2 separate days. And after a few nights of editing by moi, the masterpiece of Koi no Aji was born.
The basic storyline was about two tweenage girls who were in love with the same boy. I played Spicy-chan, the "sassier" of the two girls, though that didn't come through in my acting since I couldn't stop smiling and giggling. LaPeta played Salty-chan, who is maybe a little nicer. Kristine was Bland, the boy we love who is oblivious to everything and pretty dang stupid.
After being kicked out of a building by a lady carrying a tray of babies, while wearing a bow on my head, editing the entire movie by myself, recording the two songs and editing them, pretty much writing the script, and worst of all, having to show this mortifying film to our entire class, we're completely done and hopefully wont have another video project. And it was all worth it you know why? I got a reward!
For all my hard work, I received a scented pink "fruit parfait time" eraser! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellz yeh!
As of today, the fall quarter is completely done and over with. My final test has been aced, my make up conversational quiz is made up, and the torture of my final project is through. What was my final project? A video that could be about anything, as long as it was in Japanese, included a brief mention of Japanese culture somehow, and included singing.
Finding time to film was extremely difficult, with Sarah and I working all afternoon, Kristine having classes during our free time, and me not being willing to wake up earlier than I have to. So we filmed the entire project in 2 separate days. And after a few nights of editing by moi, the masterpiece of Koi no Aji was born.
The basic storyline was about two tweenage girls who were in love with the same boy. I played Spicy-chan, the "sassier" of the two girls, though that didn't come through in my acting since I couldn't stop smiling and giggling. LaPeta played Salty-chan, who is maybe a little nicer. Kristine was Bland, the boy we love who is oblivious to everything and pretty dang stupid.
After being kicked out of a building by a lady carrying a tray of babies, while wearing a bow on my head, editing the entire movie by myself, recording the two songs and editing them, pretty much writing the script, and worst of all, having to show this mortifying film to our entire class, we're completely done and hopefully wont have another video project. And it was all worth it you know why? I got a reward!
For all my hard work, I received a scented pink "fruit parfait time" eraser! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellz yeh!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Three Thanksgivings
My Thanksgiving weekend has been quite eventful for my standards. I've met new people, I've taken people I already knew to new places, I've stressed over my video project, but mostly I just ate. a lot. Originally I was supposed to have "only" two thanksgivings, but thanks to someone, I had a third. Let me walk you through my week(end?) so far.
Wednesday This day was a snow day! Yaaaaaaay!! So for the first part of the day, I just layed around in my pajamas being thankful that I didn't have to work that day. Everyone who has gone away to college was coming back for thanksgiving, and I knew Marie was back cause she already had asked for my laptop charger the night before. I expected her to get said charger and bring it back in a few hours, but what ended up happening was me getting a Marie-style voicemail, just like the good ol' days, telling me that she WAS coming over. Not asking if she could. Oh and she threw in something about being invited to their thanksgiving dinner that night since her mom had to work.
A few hours later she shows up with some mystery guy, who was not mentioned in the phone call. This turned out to be Josh who you probably have heard of from Marie's blog. He's pretty neat, and his hobbies include taking pictures with the newer version of my camera, being from Hawaii, terrorizing Marie's facebook and phone, eating a lot, and sleeping a lot.
At first I didn't want to go to dinner because I somehow convinced myself that I was going to use that night for my video project. But then I realized I was probably going to procrastinate and not do it anyway! So it was off to Marie's.
The dinner ended up being really good. Not to mention probably the fanciest holiday dinner I've probably ever had. We sat at an actual TABLE. Like without a TV or anything. We had real glass dishes and wine glasses, there were cloth napkins that matched the tablecloth, we said grace before digging in, and christmas music was playing in the background!
Marie's sister and her boyfriend brought the PS3 so I got to see some legit katamari action! Overall it was a really good start to my eating marathon. I wish I had some pictures to show you. I think the only one we took was an awkward photo at the dinner table with Josh's camera...so keep an eye out for that I guess...
Thursday, Real Actual Thanksgiving. Today was the day I was planning for. Mylinh and John were coming over to experience Thanksgiving with my family. Yes, my Shelton family....I know, crazy right?
When they arrived, I took the opportunity to force a pregnant woman out into the cold snow without a jacket, so she could smile and try to not look freezing cold while I snapped some senior photos.
mmmm no...
There we go!
After that we were off to Shelton to my Aunntie's house. It was a little weird to have my two worlds collide. I've never really mixed my family with my friends before. It felt like one of those crossover cartoons from the 80's or whatever. It was awkward when people looked like they wanted an introduction, but I didn't know who they were, so I couldn't really give one.
I brought my camera so I could "take pictures of my family" which basically ended up meaning me taking a bajillion photos of the cutest baby ever. Oh Shaylee, how you be so cute?

Shaylee was so cute, in fact, that she made John go from this:

to this:

Then there was lots of eating

And lots of cousins

Overall it was a good thanksgiving, though it seemed to go by so fast.
Friday, 3rd and Final Thanksgiving LaJohnda had to work, and Mylinh wasn't scared away by my family the previous day, so it was off to Uncle Danny's with her. Some of my actual family was there, and they're fine and met Mylinh the day before. But my aunt's family was also there that day. And to put it bluntly, they're freaking weird. In fact a lot of them are downright creepy.
The first thing that happens when we got there, was Samantha coming out and fussing over Mylinh just because she was pregnant. Not even normal fussing like "oh I love babies, you're so lucky blah blah blah" no, like creepy fussing. Without being introduced she came over and started touching her belly! And for the rest of the night she kept saying how cute MyLinh was, after anything she said. Just for example, say Mylinh was talking about lightbulbs and said "oh that lightbulb needs to be changed" or something, Sam would probably respond with "Hahaha lightbulb! you're so cute!" it got old fast.
Her older brother is super creepy, and had been drinking which made it worse. While we were playing boardgames he came over to stand in the doorway, stares at Mylinh for a few minutes, then asks "....how old are you?" when she was obviously creeped the eff out and walked away, he proceeded to stare at me for a few seconds then ask "is that kid yours?"
But enough about the horrible creepy moments. The foods was again good, and there was so much stuffing I thought I was in heaven. Although the desert sucked.
Mylinh seemed to make a connection with my uncle who was bugging her about letting him marry her, and trying to convince her to name the baby after him. But these are good things, because if he's BSing you, then he likes you.
My cousin Erica had her boyfriend over, and while playing candyland with him, he somehow recognized Mylinh and remembered that he went to elementary school with her brother for a short time.
We ended the night by relaxing at my grandmas, while I kicked butt at gardening mama!!
If you ignore the super creeper status members of my Aunt's family, it was another great Thanksgiving.
So with 3 being my new record of dinners this year, I wonder if I can break that next year? Though I'm not sure I'd want to. But I hope everyone else is having an equally awesome Thanksgiving break. Marie you best be blogging about Wednesday from your point of view. And Josh, if you read this, I hope you make a blog about Marie's bloggings. To Mylinh and John, I hope my family didn't scare you too bad, and I hope you enjoyed our dinner(s).
Wednesday This day was a snow day! Yaaaaaaay!! So for the first part of the day, I just layed around in my pajamas being thankful that I didn't have to work that day. Everyone who has gone away to college was coming back for thanksgiving, and I knew Marie was back cause she already had asked for my laptop charger the night before. I expected her to get said charger and bring it back in a few hours, but what ended up happening was me getting a Marie-style voicemail, just like the good ol' days, telling me that she WAS coming over. Not asking if she could. Oh and she threw in something about being invited to their thanksgiving dinner that night since her mom had to work.
A few hours later she shows up with some mystery guy, who was not mentioned in the phone call. This turned out to be Josh who you probably have heard of from Marie's blog. He's pretty neat, and his hobbies include taking pictures with the newer version of my camera, being from Hawaii, terrorizing Marie's facebook and phone, eating a lot, and sleeping a lot.
At first I didn't want to go to dinner because I somehow convinced myself that I was going to use that night for my video project. But then I realized I was probably going to procrastinate and not do it anyway! So it was off to Marie's.
The dinner ended up being really good. Not to mention probably the fanciest holiday dinner I've probably ever had. We sat at an actual TABLE. Like without a TV or anything. We had real glass dishes and wine glasses, there were cloth napkins that matched the tablecloth, we said grace before digging in, and christmas music was playing in the background!
Marie's sister and her boyfriend brought the PS3 so I got to see some legit katamari action! Overall it was a really good start to my eating marathon. I wish I had some pictures to show you. I think the only one we took was an awkward photo at the dinner table with Josh's camera...so keep an eye out for that I guess...
Thursday, Real Actual Thanksgiving. Today was the day I was planning for. Mylinh and John were coming over to experience Thanksgiving with my family. Yes, my Shelton family....I know, crazy right?
When they arrived, I took the opportunity to force a pregnant woman out into the cold snow without a jacket, so she could smile and try to not look freezing cold while I snapped some senior photos.
After that we were off to Shelton to my Aunntie's house. It was a little weird to have my two worlds collide. I've never really mixed my family with my friends before. It felt like one of those crossover cartoons from the 80's or whatever. It was awkward when people looked like they wanted an introduction, but I didn't know who they were, so I couldn't really give one.
I brought my camera so I could "take pictures of my family" which basically ended up meaning me taking a bajillion photos of the cutest baby ever. Oh Shaylee, how you be so cute?
Shaylee was so cute, in fact, that she made John go from this:
to this:
Then there was lots of eating
And lots of cousins
Overall it was a good thanksgiving, though it seemed to go by so fast.
Friday, 3rd and Final Thanksgiving LaJohnda had to work, and Mylinh wasn't scared away by my family the previous day, so it was off to Uncle Danny's with her. Some of my actual family was there, and they're fine and met Mylinh the day before. But my aunt's family was also there that day. And to put it bluntly, they're freaking weird. In fact a lot of them are downright creepy.
The first thing that happens when we got there, was Samantha coming out and fussing over Mylinh just because she was pregnant. Not even normal fussing like "oh I love babies, you're so lucky blah blah blah" no, like creepy fussing. Without being introduced she came over and started touching her belly! And for the rest of the night she kept saying how cute MyLinh was, after anything she said. Just for example, say Mylinh was talking about lightbulbs and said "oh that lightbulb needs to be changed" or something, Sam would probably respond with "Hahaha lightbulb! you're so cute!" it got old fast.
Her older brother is super creepy, and had been drinking which made it worse. While we were playing boardgames he came over to stand in the doorway, stares at Mylinh for a few minutes, then asks "....how old are you?" when she was obviously creeped the eff out and walked away, he proceeded to stare at me for a few seconds then ask "is that kid yours?"
But enough about the horrible creepy moments. The foods was again good, and there was so much stuffing I thought I was in heaven. Although the desert sucked.
Mylinh seemed to make a connection with my uncle who was bugging her about letting him marry her, and trying to convince her to name the baby after him. But these are good things, because if he's BSing you, then he likes you.
My cousin Erica had her boyfriend over, and while playing candyland with him, he somehow recognized Mylinh and remembered that he went to elementary school with her brother for a short time.
We ended the night by relaxing at my grandmas, while I kicked butt at gardening mama!!
If you ignore the super creeper status members of my Aunt's family, it was another great Thanksgiving.
So with 3 being my new record of dinners this year, I wonder if I can break that next year? Though I'm not sure I'd want to. But I hope everyone else is having an equally awesome Thanksgiving break. Marie you best be blogging about Wednesday from your point of view. And Josh, if you read this, I hope you make a blog about Marie's bloggings. To Mylinh and John, I hope my family didn't scare you too bad, and I hope you enjoyed our dinner(s).
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Xmas list 2010
Ah christmas, my most favorite holiday ever. Christmas time always makes me annoyingly happy and mushy. But this blog entry isn't going to focus on the happy feelings christmas gives me. Nor the delicious food that causes us to gain 30 pounds in one season. I'm not even going to use this space to plan out christmassy adventures with my friends and family.
I'm going to be super materialistic and blog about all the PRESENTS I want for christmas! HAHAHA! :D I suspect this will get less and less realistic as the list goes on...
1. Fujifilm instax mini S7 or mini 25.

I've gotten a camera for the last few years in a row, so why not stick with the tradition? This was one of those things where I never knew I wanted one, but once I saw this sappy korean commercial, I knew I NEEDED one! :O
SEE? Doesn't that make you want one?? Who cares how unrealistic it is!
2. External Harddrive
Need space for my STUFF. What more can I say? Kind of boring and practical, but I needs it to save space on the computer.
3. New printer
The printer I have now, SUCKS. It can barely print out word documents successfully, let alone photos. THIS is why you don't just buy the cheapest printer possible, mom!
4. Anything from photojojo.com
Yeah yeah more photography stuff, you're bored with it by now, I get it. But I love this camera strap!

5. An R4 card for my DSi
Perfect for illegally downloading games....I mean...."storing files" on my DS.
6. Vacation to Disneyland.

MY favorite place...I'm having withdrawals... *twitch*
7. Hello Kitty Waffle Iron.

Not entirely sure why I want this. But I do. I don't even like waffles THAT much...it would probably just sit in the cupboards until my mom gave it away to charity or something. But it still for some reason want this!
8. An iPhone 5
Yeah, it doesn't exist yet. But I kinda want a new phone and the current iphone 4 has ISSUES.
9. Auxiliary connectymajorb for Betsy.
Casue CD's get old and I wish I could just play my ipod. :<
10. My class(es) completely magically payed for. forever.
Can this please happen D:
11. To not be sick this christmas
Oh lord I need for this to happen. Last year I was sick for pretty much the whole month of December.
12. A fancy condo right in the middle of downtown Seattle. For my future of course, not ready to move quite yet.
Well there ya go, one thing for each of the 12 days of christmas! If you wanna buy me any of those things, feel free. I might make you cookies or something in return. MAYBE.
I'm going to be super materialistic and blog about all the PRESENTS I want for christmas! HAHAHA! :D I suspect this will get less and less realistic as the list goes on...
1. Fujifilm instax mini S7 or mini 25.

I've gotten a camera for the last few years in a row, so why not stick with the tradition? This was one of those things where I never knew I wanted one, but once I saw this sappy korean commercial, I knew I NEEDED one! :O
SEE? Doesn't that make you want one?? Who cares how unrealistic it is!
2. External Harddrive
Need space for my STUFF. What more can I say? Kind of boring and practical, but I needs it to save space on the computer.
3. New printer
The printer I have now, SUCKS. It can barely print out word documents successfully, let alone photos. THIS is why you don't just buy the cheapest printer possible, mom!
4. Anything from photojojo.com
Yeah yeah more photography stuff, you're bored with it by now, I get it. But I love this camera strap!
5. An R4 card for my DSi
Perfect for illegally downloading games....I mean...."storing files" on my DS.
6. Vacation to Disneyland.
MY favorite place...I'm having withdrawals... *twitch*
7. Hello Kitty Waffle Iron.
Not entirely sure why I want this. But I do. I don't even like waffles THAT much...it would probably just sit in the cupboards until my mom gave it away to charity or something. But it still for some reason want this!
8. An iPhone 5
Yeah, it doesn't exist yet. But I kinda want a new phone and the current iphone 4 has ISSUES.
9. Auxiliary connectymajorb for Betsy.
Casue CD's get old and I wish I could just play my ipod. :<
10. My class(es) completely magically payed for. forever.
Can this please happen D:
11. To not be sick this christmas
Oh lord I need for this to happen. Last year I was sick for pretty much the whole month of December.
12. A fancy condo right in the middle of downtown Seattle. For my future of course, not ready to move quite yet.
Well there ya go, one thing for each of the 12 days of christmas! If you wanna buy me any of those things, feel free. I might make you cookies or something in return. MAYBE.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Paranoid babydaddy!
Today, despite feeling sick, I went to meet Mylinh at our ol' hang out. And by that I mean her OB group! What? You mean thats not a normal place for teens to hang out? They normally go to malls and stuff? Screw that!
We learned about baby poop and stuff, but more importantly, got free baby clothes! Oh and I was asked again what gender "WE" are having.
No matter how many times I introduce myself as Mylinh's friend, and stress that I'm not the father, it is always assumed that I am either the father of her baby, or the new guy she's dating. It's almost as if teenage boys wouldn't normally be responsible or caring enough to go to those types of things unless they absolutely had to. WHO KNEW? :P
It reminds me though, of the time Dr.Sweet started talking about birth control. That same day Mylinh had told her that she was sleeping in my bed on a regular basis. (if you don't already know, this was said because we are tangled in a web of lies) Dr.Sweet started lecturing about how "you" need to start thinking about birth control after the baby, and decide what kind you would like. Mylinh didn't notice this, but as Dr.Sweet was addressing "you" she wasn't just speaking to her. She was clearly making eye contact with both of us and assuming that Mylinh and I needed birth control for sexytime WITH EACHOTHER. :O
These occurrences are partially annoying, but also pretty dang entertaining.
Today when we were in the room, endlessly waiting for Dr.Grande, Mylinh started telling me about this show her and John watched the other day. It was about changing your identity or something, and in the process of showing how to do that, they showed all the ways that the government keeps track of you. I'm not sure how true this stuff is, but according to the show, every car has tracking devices installed to keep track of where you are, which isn't that hard to believe. Cell phones always have you tracked because of the GPS features, again this one is easy to see. But apparently car windshields can record what you say when you talk on the phone in your car?! Uhh thats not creepy at all...
Credit cards and ID's also supposedly have chips in them, which can be blocked from readers by covering in tin foil. Tires are supposed to have even more tracking devices, just incase everything else wasn't enough...And I guess in Japan, instead of a pin number, they have a machine that scans your hand. WHY DON'T WE HAVE THAT? Better than remembering numbers.
Anyways, after hearing that stuff I not only wonder how much is true, I also can't help but be somewhat paranoid...What if the government CAN hear you in your car?? If they can, I bet they're weirded out by my conversations. I don't care so much about being tracked, cause it's not like I go anywhere I'm not supposed to, but the recording thing bugs me...
We learned about baby poop and stuff, but more importantly, got free baby clothes! Oh and I was asked again what gender "WE" are having.
No matter how many times I introduce myself as Mylinh's friend, and stress that I'm not the father, it is always assumed that I am either the father of her baby, or the new guy she's dating. It's almost as if teenage boys wouldn't normally be responsible or caring enough to go to those types of things unless they absolutely had to. WHO KNEW? :P
It reminds me though, of the time Dr.Sweet started talking about birth control. That same day Mylinh had told her that she was sleeping in my bed on a regular basis. (if you don't already know, this was said because we are tangled in a web of lies) Dr.Sweet started lecturing about how "you" need to start thinking about birth control after the baby, and decide what kind you would like. Mylinh didn't notice this, but as Dr.Sweet was addressing "you" she wasn't just speaking to her. She was clearly making eye contact with both of us and assuming that Mylinh and I needed birth control for sexytime WITH EACHOTHER. :O
These occurrences are partially annoying, but also pretty dang entertaining.
Today when we were in the room, endlessly waiting for Dr.Grande, Mylinh started telling me about this show her and John watched the other day. It was about changing your identity or something, and in the process of showing how to do that, they showed all the ways that the government keeps track of you. I'm not sure how true this stuff is, but according to the show, every car has tracking devices installed to keep track of where you are, which isn't that hard to believe. Cell phones always have you tracked because of the GPS features, again this one is easy to see. But apparently car windshields can record what you say when you talk on the phone in your car?! Uhh thats not creepy at all...
Credit cards and ID's also supposedly have chips in them, which can be blocked from readers by covering in tin foil. Tires are supposed to have even more tracking devices, just incase everything else wasn't enough...And I guess in Japan, instead of a pin number, they have a machine that scans your hand. WHY DON'T WE HAVE THAT? Better than remembering numbers.
Anyways, after hearing that stuff I not only wonder how much is true, I also can't help but be somewhat paranoid...What if the government CAN hear you in your car?? If they can, I bet they're weirded out by my conversations. I don't care so much about being tracked, cause it's not like I go anywhere I'm not supposed to, but the recording thing bugs me...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I'm so *bling bling*
So things have in some ways gotten better at work. Like a lot better. Like a WHOLE FREAKING LOT BETTER. In other words, two specific children have been "terminated." :D
It's really horrible how extremely happy I am about it. But I can't help it, things are so much better without them.
On the other hand, we have a special little extra group called homework club that joins us 3 times a week. Some of these kids are surprisingly well behaved. But others are a handful. And while the number was nice and small at first, they've been adding more and more kids to their group as the weeks go on.
Yesterday we had the most kids we've ever had EVER at once. 37 kids total, which is illegal for 2 staff people. Just thinking about that day gives me a headache... There were game pieces flying everywhere, kids running around screaming no matter how many times we told them "walking feet and inside voices!" It was truly a madhouse. In fact, we ran out of snack because there were so many of them.
The days without Homework club have been a dream lately. But the days with have been more...well like yesterday.
I've made illustrations to show the contrast between Ycare with and without homework club.

(The tree is purple CAUSE I SAID SO.
Not the point. )
Other things I've been doing lately include my favorite game, Photoshop extreme makeover! :D
Unfortunately I can never EVER post any of those images on the internets to show off my skill. If I did, I would look like a really mean superficial person. but I'm not, I promise! I mostly change things about people just to see if I'm capable of it, and for practice. The only person I shamefully photoshop to look "better" is myself.
It's really horrible how extremely happy I am about it. But I can't help it, things are so much better without them.
On the other hand, we have a special little extra group called homework club that joins us 3 times a week. Some of these kids are surprisingly well behaved. But others are a handful. And while the number was nice and small at first, they've been adding more and more kids to their group as the weeks go on.
Yesterday we had the most kids we've ever had EVER at once. 37 kids total, which is illegal for 2 staff people. Just thinking about that day gives me a headache... There were game pieces flying everywhere, kids running around screaming no matter how many times we told them "walking feet and inside voices!" It was truly a madhouse. In fact, we ran out of snack because there were so many of them.
The days without Homework club have been a dream lately. But the days with have been more...well like yesterday.
I've made illustrations to show the contrast between Ycare with and without homework club.

(The tree is purple CAUSE I SAID SO.
Not the point. )
Other things I've been doing lately include my favorite game, Photoshop extreme makeover! :D
Unfortunately I can never EVER post any of those images on the internets to show off my skill. If I did, I would look like a really mean superficial person. but I'm not, I promise! I mostly change things about people just to see if I'm capable of it, and for practice. The only person I shamefully photoshop to look "better" is myself.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Supa fun day 2010!
So after complaining about how freaking bored I was, and howmy life has consisted of the same routine every day for the past month and a half, I feel theneed to tell you about my fantastic day in Seattle that ended the boredom streak! In DETAIL from start to finish. Try not to get too exited there.
It just so happened that last Friday, Mylinh, John and I were all free! Since I always talk about how funny sensei is, Mylinh decided to join me for class before we left. Class was unfortunately uneventful. Then after a quick pit-stop at home, and a trip to Target to meet John, we were off to my favorite city! (well the only "city" city I've been to...)
What do we do when we're stuck in the car together for an hour? TEK PEEKSHA!
We arrived in the downtown area, and looked for parking, but everything seemed too expensive. I saw places priced as high as 18 dollars! So John suggested we park near the Seattle Center, and take the monorail. As we found a parallel parking space for $4, I thought "ha! we're so smart parking here!" little did I know what was to come... And so we made the walk to the monorail.
When we arrived at Westlake Center, the first thing we did was eat! What more could you expect from a preggo and a fattie? We decided on our old standby, McDonalds! What else is new...
Our next destination was Daiso, but along the way we noticed a gigantic line of tweens was formed along the whole bottom 2 floors of the building. Apparently there was some band or famous person in Hot Topic. I have no idea who. The tweens were wearing band shirts, but I couldn't read the font unless I went up close to one of them. And honestly they kind of scared me.
In Daiso (Or as Mylinh calls it, daisyo) much fun was had with fake boobs and cookie cutters! I was used as a translating device for food items. I'm not sure why we didn't take any photos here considering all the fun possibilities to be had in the store. As we left Westlake center, we overheard some of the tweens shrieking things like "Omg he touched my hand!! I think I'm in love...I'M IN LOOOVE!!!"
Eating and looking in the one store took longer than we anticipated, and our parking time was already close to running out, since we needed to factor in travel time. John was advising that we return to the car now, pay for more time, come back, and take our purikura. But damn it I waited for over a YEAR to take purikura, and I was going to risk it and take them right THEN. So off we went to gameworks.
As soon as we got to gameworks, we found the purikura machine to make sure it was working, and to claim it for ourselves. Originally I had planned to pay for the gameworks card since purikura are my thing, but it turned out Johnny boy already had a card from about a year ago. YEAH! :D Buuut his card wasn't working in the machine, and he wasn't sure how many points were left on it, so we spent about 15 or 20 minutes trying to find a card reader, seeing that the normal front desk was under construction, and finally finding the current front desk. We found out that his card was demagnetized, so the balance of 113 points (woo!) was transferred to a new card.
I was finally able to take my beloved purikura, but I had forgotten exactly how chaotic it can be. Between the millions of kanji, and the limited time counting down so you don't take too long, we messed up 2 of our 3 purikura. One of the times we forgot you have to select which ones you want to keep, so it automatically selected the first one of the set. D:
SO MANY GOOD ONES LOST FOREVER! Anyways, here's the final products of my fulfilled wish.

Yeah, pretty awesome huh?
Since it had taken even longer than I expected, we rushed back to WLC to catch the monorail back to my car. You can see on the monorail I was still in euphoric state due to the purikura...
And even though we were about an hour late for our parking at this point, we got distracted by the pretty fountain and decided to take even more pictures....
*Action shot* Hurry!!! we got a parked car to attend to!!
Ooh a fountain....what were we supposed to be doing again? Ah lets just take pictures.
When we arrived at Betsie, we had a lovely present waiting on her windshield! Suddenly the 18 dollar parking didn't sound so expensive, seeing as how now I'll be paying a 39 dollar ticket... Oh the irony.
I was already feeling tired, and I'm pretty sure my buddies at least halfway felt the same, but we sucked it up, hopped in, and headed for Bellevue! Dancing like idiots all along the way.
Once we arrived at Bellevue Square and parked in the multi-level parking lot which confused me and made me feel stupid, eeeeeveryone had to go potty! After sharing unnecessary bathroom facts about one-another, we successfully found a restroom.
Next we made a bee line for the sanrio store! Which was on the opposite side than we originally thought. Along the way the couple was distracted by Gamestop and a boardgames/toy store.
After I literally pushed Mylinh out of that store, we went into the sanrio store and were overwhelmed by a wall of pink. After a few minutes in there, barely enough time for some random creeper lady to give me ring shopping advice, John decided he needed to leave to find something to drink. WHY DOESN'T HE DRINK WHEN I TELL HIM TO, BUT CHOOSES NOW TO FIND A DRINK?
Johnnie boy found his Jamba juice, even though he should've just drank water. And by that time the two fatties of the group were starving and needed nourishment "NOW!"
I wanted Cheesecake Factory like no other, but Mylinh decided to stick up for the Italian place John liked. We rock-paper-scissored it out and guess who won?? not me... :<
As we walked to their restaurant, we walked right past my factory of delishousness. But after seeing how extremely packed they were, I was kind of glad I lost...
When we got there we were informed that we would have a 30 minute wait. Wether or not it was actually that long, I do not know. But I do know it felt way longer. Since the chairs were taken, and we didn't want to stand, we sat on the floor of this fancy restaurant.
want food nooooow :[
a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/54436845@N08/5120090670/" title="IMG_3297q by Kentieo, on Flickr">
Oh hey floor...You're interesting enough to take pictures of apparently...
Finally some chairs opened up, but only two, so we left John alone in the corner like a loser.
When we were seated at our table, Mylinh noticed our glasses weren't so clean. So after some argument over wether she should or not, she asked for replacement glasses. The waitress brought us bread, but there was a devastating problem with this restaurant. NO BUTTER! They expected us to dip the bread into a combination of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, which John assured us was "good". But when Mylinh and I tried it, we both made faces, and compensated by pouring parmesan cheese on the bread. *sigh* Butter is the only way!
For our main dishes, I ordered parmesan chicken, and Mylinh ordered fettechini alfredo. They were both pretty good, but definitely not the best I've ever had. John didn't order anything because he's super lame. Except he then paid for dinner so he's not so lame... :D
(Looks good don't it...well just wait till you hear this....)
The chefs must have been trying to add extra flavor to Mylinh's pasta, because as she was eating it, she found one of the little fibers from a brillo-pad. As much as John and I objected, she wrote a note to the restaurant. I don't think we'll go there again anytime soon.
It was getting late at this point, well for my standards, and I was exhausted. We tried to make a trip into a container store, but as we walked in the announcer told us they would be closing. I also wanted to try red mango, but the mall was closed at this point. So we started our long journey home. Along the way there was more stupid dancing/singing, the emptying of my gas tank, an extremely stinky trip to Walmart at 10 pm, a drop-off at Target, and then I was home. I'm not sure if it's because I exhausted my body, or because I was sharing drinks with sick people, but the next day I didn't feel so well. Either way it was worth it! This day will keep me content for a while with my boring everyday life.
For even MORE photos, visit my facebook. :]
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
So Completely Exciting!
So I really wanted to make a blog entry. One with exciting photos and tales of adventure, and memories that I'd like to share with the world. But I got nuthin. Nothing exciting has been happening, well..except work which has been exciting in a horrible terrifying way, but no fun happy adventures have been had.
To remedy this problem, I'll make up a story for you!
Once upon a time there was a brave hero named Kentie. He had magical powers that were used to defend the earth from evil. Whether it be in the form of crime, other illegal stuff, demons, or worse, math. But for these powers to be used, they needed to be fueled by special snacks. One day, Kentie realized his powers were running low. He needed to get some snacks fast, but had to be careful not to be attacked in his weak state along the way.
For protection, Kentie met up with his companion Liggie in the Lair of Perviness. And together they made the long journey to retrieve more snacks. At first, things were going smoothly. But right as Kentie was about to obtain his power source, he was knocked out of the way by a big ol grody monster!
"Out of the way, motherfucker!" the monster said in a strangely calm way. But This didn't stop out heros. Liggie used her huge belly to bump the monster out of the way. The squishy belly's power made him go flying through the air, until he was out of sight.
Finally the snacks were able to be eaten, and Kentie regained his power! All was well again.
That actually ended up being a partially true story. You can decide which parts are true.
Monday, October 11, 2010
That poor poor sub
So since my normal cite director quit due to our cite being....mother effing crazy....Today I had a substitute Cite Director. In the begging things were going smoothly, and she was saying "Oh if they're looking for a new Cite Director here, maybe I could ask for this position!." But by 6:00 she was saying "I can't be the cite director here, no freaking way, I'm tired of this already..."

What caused the dramatic change in attitude? Well...A lot of things. A lot of things done by two specific sisters. There was crying, tantrums, hiding in unsafe places, screaming, pushing, pants wetting, lying, and much MUCH more.
The highlight of the day, and by highlight I mean the most stressful part that made us want to run away from our jobs forever, was when one sister threw the biggest tantrum I've ever seen her throw, EVER. What happened was...well here's a picture that explains it much better than words can....

This. Is my job.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Nostalgic Autumn Time
It's that time of year again! The time of year that I simultaneously love and hate! The leaves are turning colors, the weather is getting cold, and the halloween decorations are out.
Yesterday was a particularly fallish day, and on our way to Fred Meyer I started to feel all nostalgic. The feeling of the cold weather, seeing the leaves falling off the trees, the over-comercialized halloween ads. Separately these things all make me angry....but somehow as a whole they bring back memories, and make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Going to the pumpkin patch each year, drinking apple cider, trying to think of creative costumes, trick-or-treating with my cousins, being too much of a wuss to go anywhere actually scary. All great memories. :]
Immediately I wanted to start making plans for this year. I need to make sure my newer friends can experience Hunter's pumpkin patch, I need to make seasonal treasts, I need to think of plans for halloween itself, so much to dooo!
Now I'll take this time to revisit the past few years of halloween......With pictures! (oooooh~)
2007: I had probably known Sarah Lapeta for about a month, and since she had no plans I decided to invite her go trick-or-treating with my friends. We met at my house and went trick-or-treating in Goldcrest. Highlights include my friends asking for a glass of water at a stranger's door, sitting in the middle of the street when tired, and being hyper highschoolers. My costume that year was the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland! Complete with functioning antique pocket watch.

2008: Instead of meeting at my house as my friends had been doing since about 8th grade, I decided to go with my more newly made friends and trick-or-treat in Cedrona. The highlighted memories included funny Filipino mom's with pervy costumes, me clinging to Sarah in a haunted house despite the fact that she's a foot shorter than me and a girl, a little boy that was ever-so-innocently opening doors to people's houses, and seeing Rocky Horror for the very first time. My costume, curtesy of goodwill, was an 80's power-walker.

Would've made more sense with short-shorts...but that aint happening, speically in our fall weather.
2009: Last year we returned to the tradition of meeting at my house. Except instead of the usual group, there were only 3 of us. I found the number of other kids trick-or-treating disappointingly low this year... :[ But like the year before, we watched Rocky Horror Picture Show, and decided it should be our Halloween tradition. Our costumes had a group theme, and boy were they a hit! Say hello the the awkward family christmas portrait!

Lapeta looks especially sexy here~
This year I don't think I want to trick-or-treat. (WHAT?? crazy! Never thought that'd happen EVER!) But the question is....should I try to make a costume even if I just stay home and watch a movie? Or maybe we'll find something else to do. But nothing scary....cause I am a complete wuss after all. :D
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Laughter is the best medicine
So lately a lot has been going on, and I've been feeling pretty down because of it. But instead of using this blog to complain and rant and be emo, I'm going to tell you all a quote from Aki sensei that made me laugh really hard today. Make sure you imagine it with a thick Japanese accent.
Aki sensei: "I don't really drink at all. Well once in a while I do drink and get really crazy...you guys don't want to see me."
Student: "Yes we do!! Sensei we want to see you drunk!"
Aki sensei: "No, no you don't want to see me.......I'll be SUPER SLUT!"
Class: ...........................*processes what she said and bursts into laughter*
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Oh mom!
So today I was getting ready for work. Putting together all the things I need to take, changing clothes, and taking the dog out for a quick walk before I leave. I was rushing around because I was getting dangerously close to being late. But as I picked up my phone to take with me, I noticed my mom had called. So I decided to give her a call back before I left, thinking it might be something important.

When she answered her phone I asked "Did you want something?" expecting her to tell me that my grandma called and wanted me to know something, or that I needed to do something before I left for work. But out of nowhere she answered with "Oh, no, I just wanted to ask you who you thought was prettier, Yoobin or Narsha."
For those of you who don't know, those are both Kpop celebrities. Yes. My mother was calling in the middle of the day to ask which Kpop celebrity I thought was prettiest.
When I asked her why the heck she was calling for that, she told me she was looking up pictures of of Kpop celebrities who's names she has heard me mention. She was doing this at work...and possibly discussing it with her coworkers...
Oh mom, only you.
For anyone who is curious, this is what the two look like:


Friday, September 24, 2010
Late-night Cravings
My stomach is a weird thing. As the day goes on, I become more and more of a "fattie." Each morning when I wake up, I have no appetite at all. In fact the idea of food usually makes me wanna puke, much like a pregnant lady.

Within a few hours, I develop an appetite. Not a huge one, but enough to eat. And at lunch time I'm legitimately hungry, and am probably at least able to crave whatever sounds good that day.
At dinner I'm usually starving and this is when I really start to crave things. food is so much more satisfying at this point.
Sometime after dinner, I almost always get hungry again. Not for a full meal, but a snack, possibly dessert. And after I eat that, you think I'd be satisfied. well you're WRONG.
At that point I turn into my full-on obese fattie self and start having cravings for the most random foods ever. Most of them impossible to fulfill without going somewhere far away.
As I type this I am currently having massive cravings for:
-Krispy kreme doughnuts
-Soft-serve icecream
-Some sort of pasta
-Thai tea
& -BBQ chicken
So unable to satisfy my late-night cravings, I lay in bed convincing myself that "it's okay I can go get the food tomorrow!" But when I wake up in the morning, the craving is lost and my morning-sickness stomach is back. The cycle starts all over.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I'm in College too!
Since on everyone's blogs they're talking about their college careers, and while I'm left out of certain conversations, like dorms and new towns, blah blah blah..., I'm also in college! It just happens to have the word "community" in it's title...
The very first thing I learned in college, was that parking is really, REALLY effing horrible. I've heard about it from others, but without seeing it in person, I never knew parking could be this bad. I mean, not only were all the parking spaces filled up, all the sides of the roads were filled up, as well as the illegal little crevices of the parking lots/roads. Today I was actually lucky enough to find an open space after only 10 minutes! But it happened to be on the opposite side of the campus.
My new Japanese class is pretty durn fun. There doesn't seem to be TOO many obnoxious nerds. I mean yes, there are a few, but it's a smaller amount than I expected. Most of the nerds are quiet a nice, they don't bother me. :] But there are a few people who I can't stand....
At one table is a group of boys who like to whisper nerd jokes to eachother. They like to try to make jokes, but they end up not making sense and confusing everyone. They also use weird vocabulary/grammar that they probably got from anime. It's usually wrong and confuses the heck out of the teacher.
The worst of the class is a kid who I've disliked since he first opened his mouth on day 1. He has THE worst accent I've heard in the class. But unlike most of the people with strong accents, his grammar and vocab skills are pretty good. It sounds really awkward to hear someone speak quickly and confidently, with a really strong accent. But even more annoying, is his need to constantly interrupt the teacher to either ask stupid questions that aren't actually related to the lesson, or to tell a joke that is related to the lesson, but it incredibly, incredibly lame.
Every time he tells a joke, the classroom is filled with this awkward tension, as if everyone is thinking the same thing. You think he'd notice that no one is laughing...
The most awesome part of this class, much like our high school Japanese class, is the teacher! Aki sensei is just as entertaining as Yuko sensei, but in different ways. Her expressions are just as hilarious, but she also makes random sounds. It's hard to explain by typing...But it's much more fun than monotone boring lectures. One biiiig difference though, is that she actually understands people's jokes. Even if they're pervy!
So far we're only learning things that I already understand. Which yeah, is a little boring, but gosh it makes me feel smart! :P
So yeah. Thats pretty much my daily college life. Arrive, spend 20 to 40 minutes finding parking, fight over a spot and get honked at for stealing one, run to class, sit in class annoyed at that one kid and laughing at Aki sensei, trek back to Betsey, go home to have my severely shortened lazy-time, and go to work!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I'ma grownup!
While most people are starting new exciting college lives, moving into dorms across the country and making new lifelong friends, I've been starting my own adventure right here in the same little Washingtonian town. I like to call this adventure "working like a grownup."
Recently, I was hired by the YMCA to be a group leader. Basically that means I do all the same work as the site director, minus the paperwork and extra inchargeyness. Oh and I get payed less...
Today was my 3rd day working there. (Or my 2nd normal day, since Friday was kind of a freak day with a sub and me working more than my normal hours. ) I'm pretty sure at this point that I'm going to really like this job. That is if I can ever get used to the idea of this goddamn-grownup-schedule.. For the first time in my life, I don't have my afternoons open to laze around like the fattie I am. From now on, my work schedule is from 2:45 to 6:00 every weekday.
From what I can tell after three days of working there, there are 4 different types of kids in the after school program.
1. Kids I like: Most of the kids fall into this category. These ones are well-behaved, not usually annoying, and for the most part, listen when I ask them to do something.
2. Kids i Love: A few select kids have clung on to me since day one. They're extremely well behaved, and most importantly, A-freaking-DORABLE!
3. Sorta Annoying kids: These children are annoying. And if I wasn't being payed, I probably wouldn't choose to be around them. But hey they aren't too bad. They behave some of the time at least.
4. Horrible Monsters: Ho-ly crap. This kids are CRAZY. I understand that some of them have problems at home, but it's hard to handle these ones with only two staff members. The worst is a pair of sisters who spend their time deliberately breaking rules for attention, peeing their pants on purpose, slapping other kids across the face, kicking staff members, and licking eachother. D:
My Site Director was saying that in October they might try to add another 20-something kids to our program...all I have to say is that if they add any more kids, they better plan on adding more staff.
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