Friday, September 23, 2011


Once upon a time I was a kid who spent alllll his free time doodling. I remember being around 6 or 7 and having a stack of printer paper in my bookshelf so I could draw whenever I wanted. Which was a lot.

It continued through high school where I would fill the margins of my boring school work with strange little drawings. Especially in math class, cause what else was I going to do, listen?

Sadly, in the recent years I haven't spent much time in front of paper, as most of it is spent right here at my laptop. But recently I've been "making" myself doodle for my own good. The results? Well lets have a look!

As you can see here, I may have a small disney obsession. The first didn't start out as Ariel it just kind of turned into her, and the other drawings followed.

Trying to make a layout plan for the photos above my bed. Nothing too exciting here.

This my friends, is a glimpse inside my imagination. Note the doughnut tree.

Yeesh, after not drawing realistic people for a year and a half, I can't even draw semi-realistic people... That's okay though, cause I'm sure I'll get plenty of practice with art school coming up. 

I think it could be interesting to do this regularly. see how my drawings change a grow y'know? And now I have to go get things ready for tomorrow, since I'm moving into my apartment! (ahh what? how did all that time go by already??)